Monday, September 28, 2015

The Season Swap that almost wasn't

I took a 4 day weekend to take care of our season swap. Where I mow the yard one last time for the year, put up the summer stuff, and officially decorate for Halloween outside our house. This year, it rained almost every day, but I managed to get in and out and get it done...just not as fast or thorough as I would have liked. I usually get everything out and lighting done in one day..this time it took three.

Here are a few pictures of our Skeleton Project on Day 2:

We added 2 more skeles later on.

We also added a highly customized Zombie Prop....Introducing Fester Enrott

Before you say something, he did not lose a shoe....he found one!

I used mocha coffe to stain the shirt...every time you get near him he smells like baking cookies now!

At the time of these pictures we were about 20% into it and we were enjoying the sweet sounds of bagpipes marching by as our town celebrate a Celtic Festival just a block over.....much more to come!


  1. Can't wait to see more pics of Meade Manor decked out for Halloween!

  2. Bagpipes make EVERYTHING better! Och aye.


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