The wicKED weeKEnD Halloween Party of 2013

Cheesy Brains!

Dry Ice makes any punch perfect!

Hard to use the potty with Jason staring at you from the shower.

Party Guests should clean up after themselves!


  1. Looks fabulous! That Dracula's Pub sign is sharp. And I would be startled if I walked into the room full of figures staring at the doorway :) Probably even if I already knew they were there.

  2. Great pics! I've been away for so long and I can't seem to understand the posting on some people's blogs...requiring you to join Google + publicly before you can comment. Came by here to see if yours would work and apparently it does...woo hoo! I refuse to accept Google+ and now I can't comment on half of the blogs in my blog list...drats! Anyway, you did a bang up job of the is hard and time kudos on that, and all your spooky decorations.. Especially like your grinning Jack collection around the top of the cabinets! It's almost that time of year to start up again. :o)


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