I can remember the days when I would brag when we got 100 kids. I can even remember the days when I was sop excited about 500 kids. People really do not believe us when we measure the number of kids in the thousands!
We got out first ToT at 3:40pm and our last at 10pm.
The lines started at 4:40 and did not stop till after 9
We went through 3 totes full of loose candy! we estimate well over 2000 visited The Wicked Woods Cemetery that night.
My Wicked Mother handed candy to every one of them She is a real trooper who can drive a stick.
My Wicked Wife was exceptionally creepy this year. The kids were completely afraid of her.
Pretty sure we gave some of them nightmares that night.
Here are some of the shots of the yard haunt with full effects, fog, and Animatronics.
To see more pictures click link