I had more responses than anticipated when I posted this picture last week :
No sooner had it posted when started getting texts, emails, and comments from all over trying to guess what this thing was. You would think I was giving something away with all the fuss. Alas, there is no prize for those that guessed correctly, but I am going to be having a huge giveaway very, very soon! Until then, let's see some of the best guesses:
- Leatherface's last mask
- A melted car
- a new prop
- the ectoplasmic residue of a ghost as it flew through a wall
- my cats administering a Rorschach test
- a fruit roll up
- a fruit roll up from hell
- a fruit roll up half eaten by Jason Voorhees
- The fruit roll up of the damned
- fruit roll up's new flavor for Halloween, "possessed"
- a skinned face
- The devil's hefty bag
- Coach purse of the evil dead
- Roseanne Barr death mask rellief (even though she is not dead....hmmm)
- The ghost of Al Jolsen (quite the trivia nut you are!)
- Page 1 of the Necronomicon
- My latest tattoo
- Diana Nyad's jelly fish mask (At this point I realize I have some very intellectual and darkly humerus readers.)
- Han Solo's face etching while frozen in carbonite.
- Grimace's (of McDonalds fame) face skin after he molts.
- a trash bag
- a facelift gone too far
- what Taco Bell meat looks like before it is ground up
- sad edible panties
Great guesses one and all, but only 2 of you got it right! It was M's new blueberry facial peel!
Living with a Halloween Fanatic can make you a little crazy. |
Leave it to M to find creepy things in her beauty regime!
Grats go out to my creepy mother and Countess VonRauber of
2nd Street Cemetery for guessing correctly!