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Monday, October 1, 2012

Wicked Woods Cemetery 2012 Preview.

I thought I would kick off the Countdown to Halloween off right with a sneak peek at the Cemetery as it is shaping up for the big night. I have never been so behind on Halloween in my life. We always have the inside of the house completed by the first week of September which leaves me getting the Cemetery in shape that last weekend of Sept. Not this year. We hope to be 90% complete by next weekend (October 6th) leaving nothing but actual party prep and projects till Halloween.

I have to be honest with you all. I am shocked at how much Halloween stuff I have collected over the years. It is a little overwhelming when we start due to the sheer volume. After we get in the swing of things, my love of the season takes over and all that is left in the dust.

There are 3 things I am excited about for this years Wicked Woods Cemetery.

  • MASSIVE upgrade to lighting. Last year I started the upgrade and was able to finish it this year. I hope it translates in the atmosphere of the haunt. 
  • Upgrade in camera. Thanks to M we should (I repeat SHOULD) have some better shots, but I still can't find the perfect settings to truly capture the colors and creepiness. Any hints or critiques out there would be GREATLY appreciated!
  • Populations. The Wicked Woods has SEVERAL new residence and that number grows daily! It should be a regular necropolis by All Hallows Eve. 

The sad thing is I will be tinkering, changing, moving, and adding to the cemetery every single day till Halloween. Even then we bring out 4 animtronic creatures, 7 dummies, about 30 pumpkins, 20 LED candles, and close to 50 skulls on Halloween night itself so this is a true sneak peek! Hope you enjoyed it cause we are all worn out! Even our newest addition to the family Mr Gizmo.


  1. Always a visual treat Wicked! Thanks for the peak...and for what it's worth, I think your photos are great!

  2. Looking good, Ked! Only 30 more days to get everything set up just right :)

  3. Hey Hey....and Happy October to you! I feel your pain this year...I too have never been so far behind. We spent THIS weekend breaking out the apothecary and all the other decor. I always have the house decorated the first weekend in Sept. So I am very disappointed in myself this year. And honestly, like you, I've amassed such a huge collection that it is almost overwhelming. At one point I looked at everything packed in the bins and decided I just didn't have it in me this year. But as I unwrapped a few things at a time, I grew ever more eager to see more, and eventually 2 days and nights later....the house was finally done. The yard will have to wait until after our autumn vacation though.

    But your haunt looks incredible! Wonderfully WICKED! And I think the lighting is superb and really adds so much spooky ambiance to the scene. I'd love to see that in person, or be a lucky party guest. And all the attention you guys pay to detail, really makes it special for party goers and trick or treaters. I hope you find some time to slow down and enjoy the season as well! Looking forward to your posts again this year! :o)

    1. I'd love to have you too! Glad to hear from you Wendy...you had disappeared for too long! I truly hope your Halloween is wicKED!

  4. oh, I love it! and there's nothing wrong with the pics!

  5. Everything looks amazing! Great lighting and I love the skelly that appears to be popping out of a sewer :)
    Oh and the kitty is super cute :)

    Don't feel bad. We're behind this year too. We'll all catch up though, don't worry ;)

    Happy October!

    1. Yeah we will.....just next year I am back on the September schedule for sure... no more rush ;)


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