wicKED Pages

Saturday, September 29, 2012

One of my short stories is being featured on "Books from Hale" !

   Books from Hale is the official website for Author Brandon Hale (author of "Day Soldiers" and the newly released "Purging Fires"). As part of Books from Hale's countdown to Halloween, they are featuring short stories every week from local contributors. I am extremely honored to be among those chosen. Every week I sit in anticipation of the next new story and I amazed that I would be counted among the great works of literature that have been posted there. Check it out HERE!

   While you are there it would be the perfect time to pick up "Day Soldiers" or "Purging Fires", excellent reads for this time of year. 

For a chance to win your very own signed copy of "Day Soldiers", enter my giveaway HERE. Keep in mind, Monday starts double entry week for any posts done!


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