wicKED Pages

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Saturday's Sinister Spoils

This past weekend, we hit Johnson City TN to get M a costume for the annual wicKED weeKEnD Halloween Party. We always do a couples thing and this year will be no different. We had great success. We are going to keep it hush hush till the party so pics to come soon!

As a confessed Halloween addict, I just had to grab some more Halloween stuff! Here are the treasures the trip uncovered.

 I guess I spoke too soon when I said Walgreens was not carrying the skeles this year. We did have to drive an hour and a half away to find them, but as we walked in, there they were on the top shelf....begging to come live in the Wicked Woods with us. 30 dollars each! Soon....I will have an army of undead!

 Snagged this heavy tombstone from target. It is huge and heavy and pretty awesome for the price (20 bucks!)

 Snagged this napkin holder at Ross.

Another super cheap and unique looking forever pumpkin (4 bucks CVS). My dreams of a Halloween Tree are soon to be reality.   

 Also grabbed this cool LED candle from CVS (4 bucks).

 At TJ Max I found my "go to" mug of choice for years to come.

This thing is heavy duty and HUGE! It holds 4 cups....great for those late night prop sessions or running from an army of undead (which I am building!) 

Last, but not least, is a new resident for the Cemetery. I will be keeping him inside till All Hallows Eve and then I will place him by the walkway to our front porch. If any TOTs want candy, they will have to make it passed THIS GUY!

I missed out on getting the Spirit leaping spider last year. This year they have a metric ass load of them so every haunt will most likely have one. I was glad I found this little guy sitting by his lonesome at Halloween Express. Can't wait to see him in action!

While I can't offer you these items, I can offer you a chance to win some cool Hallo-swag. Enter HERE for your chance and keep in mind, this is the last week to enter and double points week!


  1. Still no Walgreen,s skellies found here. They are a great value though.

    1. Agreed, for the price, you can easily wire/hotglue the joints up and even frame them to stand or corpse them to rot. Gonna get 2 or 3 a year for as long as they make em.

  2. We picked up our Skelly at Walmart back in September, he is still trussed up like the Thanksgiving turkey! We are making a stand for him this weekend so he'll be free finally:)

    1. Take pictures! It kinda creeps me out the way they resemble turkeys when they are tied up.

  3. I got the skelly from Walgreens too and I am little disappointed, I have had to hot glue joints together.

    1. Yeah you have to do a little TLC to make em awesome.

  4. Love your concept of an army of 'undead'! That is why I have this blog because it is only here that you excitedly proclaim to be building an army of undead and be appreciated fully for it! I have 4 this year, but I am torn on what do with them all now! I put boney maroney back at the piano for now. But I have 3 more just sitting there staring at me with a "what about us"? look in their eye(sockets). I like the idea of them being all together though...trying to think what the could be doing in the apothecary. One could be brewing potion I suppose, but not sure about the other two. Have you actually glued or foamed any of yours into standing/sitting position? Boney keeps falling all over the place this year. Actually, I think I picked up one of his buddies and not him...which would mean they are not all created equal! Congrats on your army General! :o)


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