wicKED Pages

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

wicKED Retrospect.

2013 was pretty darn eventful! Promotions at work, a new house fought over months of time! Couple of health scares for me and family, but it was great! 2014 looks very promising, especially so far as Halloween is concerned. Bigger house with HUGE lots to haunt plus my neighbors say the kids come in the hundreds, sometimes thousands on Halloween night! Can't wait to see what all 2014 brings!

As to Halloween Resolutions...my first would be to compile my video in time for the Home Haunters DVD. I would add another resolution I missed last year (2 years running) to add cemetery fencing to the haunt as well as some other standing props. Lets see how it goes!

As for 2013, there were some fairly good posts that popped out of the blog. Below you will find the top 10 (as selected by unique viewer hits) last year!

#10 Haunted Attraction 

#9 Moody Monday -COLD MOOD-

#8 Movie Monster Modern vs Mainstream

#7 Backwoods Haunted House Wicked Review 2013

#6 MECC Haunted ForestWicked Walkthrough and Review 2013

#5 The Origins of the Wicked Woods Cemetery

#4 The Last wicKED weeKEnD Halloween Party

#3 The last Halloween Night (In this neck of the wicked woods)

#2 Monster Models 

#1 Wicked Woods Reverse Sneak Peak (10 things you WONT find in my haunt...ever!)

For those that have been around from the beginning, I want to thank you for your patronage. If you are new to the blog, welcome, and I hope you stick around, especially when the High Season is upon us!

May your New Year be truly wicKED!


  1. Good luck with your new year haunt goals! Be tough along with the time a new home takes but should be do-able!


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