wicKED Pages

Friday, October 19, 2012

It's the Zombabe Apocalypse!

I just wanted to take a second to apologize to my female readers for this post. If it makes you feel better, I got the green light from my own Zombie Hottie (Zottie?), M, and she approved everything before posting.



Keep on walking with the Blogger Virtual Zombie Walk of 2012 by clicking the links below.

Zombies Everywhere
Halloween Blues
The Southern Northerner
Martha's Journey
Annie Walls
GingerRead Review
App'y Talk
Kweeny Todd
Jenny's House of Horrors
Bubba's Place
Fictional Candy
herding cats & burning soup
Author Sherry Soule Blog
Paranormal research Group Blog
Adult Urban Fantasy by Sherry Soule
Moonlight Publishing Blog
Candid Canine
Ghost Hunting Theories
Above the Norm
A Dust Bunny In The Wind
Faith McKay
Zombob's Zombie News & Movie Reviews
Flesh From The Morgue
The Living Dark
Some One Else's Cook
Stumptown Horror
Forget About TV, Grab a Book
Zombie Dating Guide
Strange State
The Paranormalist - Renae Rude
Idée Fixe
Random Game Crafts
WhiteRoseBud's Tumblr
Book Me!
Carmen Jenner Author
Sarasota Zombie Pub Crawl
Not Now...Mommy's Reading
Love is a Many Flavored Thing
Its On Random
Ellie Potts
Attention Earthlings!
Horror Shock LoliPOP
The Spooky Vegan
The Story In...
DarkSide Detectives Blog
Something wicKED this way comes....
Julie Jansen: science fiction and horror writer
Author/screenwriter James Schannep
The Zombie Lab
Creepy Glowbugg
Sharing Links and Wisdom
Midnyte Reader
This Blog Has A.D.D.
Carol's Creations
Jeremy Bates


  1. wholly-moly... thank you, that was quite a group of zombie ladies. i just kept on scrolling and scrolling and scrolling...

  2. I don't think you need to apologise to your female readers. After all - less clothes means more room for zombie make-up! :D Besides, there's some really creative zombie looks in there too.

    Horror Shock LoliPOP

  3. Oh WOW Ked....I can't pick my fave one....they are all great!!!

    Love to you and M!

  4. There's some awesome make up and visual effects going on in this post, an awful lot of boobies, too! And no, you don't need to apologise to your female readers, we have them, so we've seen it all before ;)
    Thanks for sharing, you've given me a lot of inspiration for next Halloween!
    I'd love for you to stop by my Walk's
    Carmen Jenner Author and Book Me! for a Short Story and Character Interview! Happy Shambling! =D

  5. It seems you had some very beautiful female company lately! Number 22 is my favorite.

    I'd love to have your opinion on my zombie post + there are several cool things to win as well (Amazon Gift Card, Halloween board game and a screenplay). They forgot to put me on the linky, so I really hope you can stop by ;-)

  6. Well, I think you just secured the lucrative Necrophiliac readership market. I like the ones where they take something already nerdy, like X-Men and make it doubly obscure it by making them a zombie version. A lot of talented makeup people up there.

  7. Fabulous! These Babes are so hot...hot enough to eat!!!

    Carol (Carol's Creations)

  8. I feel like I just walked through an episode of American Horror Story. My hubby will definitely love your post.

  9. Oh my gosh! That was zombie-babe-licious! It's the one time a bloody female is sexy.

  10. Whoa there were some amazing and creative makeup jobs on those Zombabes! Have fun on the zombie walk! Jet

  11. WOW. Where did you find alll those great female zombie pics? lol Thanks for sharing the zombie love.

    Please Check out My Books!

  12. Loved all of them, rroowwll! Gotta love a woman that can steal your heart both literally and figuratively.

  13. YOWZA! You went above and beyond! GREAT pictues!!! #4 reminds me of Bette Midler. :)

  14. Undead Tinkerbell is my fave!! And glad to see The Living Dead Girlz (an awesome zombie dance troupe...yep, you read that right) on here!! :D

  15. Umm, wow. That was a great collection! Still making my way through the zombie crawl... hopefully you had a chance to check out my post too :)


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