wicKED Pages

Friday, September 14, 2012

With so much pressure on women to fit into sexy Halloween costumes, no wonder there are EXTREME diets!

Stores are already hanging up Halloween costumes at every turn. Soon it will be time for women everywhere to decide on what they will be dressing as this year. For guys, we mostly just go with the most frightening, disgusting, or disturbing costumer available.

For women, it is a whole new level of pressure especially on a Holiday that is cram packed with treats and sweets!

Most female costumes have a sexy streak in them, even if they are based in fright and horror.

I am not sure I agree with this... but far be it from me to complain!

My dear sweet Halloween Hottie, M, has decided to get a jump on the season and go on an EXTREME diet to ensure her pick of costumes. She has chosen The Hannibal Lecter diet plan! 

It guarantees you to loose 10 to 15 pounds a week as long as you follow the plan! At first, I was scepticle... then I was worried that it would require M to eat my liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti. Turns out it is nothing that drastic.... rather simple in fact. It seems to work especially when M wants some Halloween treats!

If you want to win The Hannibal Lecter diet plan...too bad! You can, however,  win some great prizes via this link HERE


  1. Those costumes suck, being 6 feet tall, they would be obscene for me to wear. even if I was a size zero. Homemade is the only way to roll.

  2. You are too funny. I actually bought the headgear and footwear to one of those sexy Leg Avenue costumes. Couldn't help myself. But not the slutty dress. No way, no how. No one needs to see that ish.

  3. Sexy costumes is lame, as is our culture's under-appreciate of hotty fat chicks. I'd actually rather see a rad Werewolf or Frankenstein ghoil, but doll up in Fishnets and a witch hat, and I'm satisfied, whatever the body-type, heh.

  4. Oh boy do I have a lot to catch up on! I have missed you guys!

    I see M is her usual beautiful self!

    Our favorite season is here! FINALLY! HOORAY!

    Sending you both Love!


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