wicKED Pages

Monday, September 17, 2012

wicKED Acquisitions

I had hoped this weeKEnD would find us doing our annual "Season Swap" where we move summer in and Autumn/Halloween out. That did not happen....We ended up taking my mother to the eye doctor Saturday in Tennessee. That means we are on a hard deadline of next Saturday to swap out everything NO MATTER WHAT! Since we were out and about, we did a little Halloween shopping.

Ahhh.... I tell you, there is no sound in the world like the falling shards of a busted Halloween Budget....with that being said... here is the latest Wicked Woods Cemetery Acquisitions !

Found these on clearance at Kirkland (plus a 10% off coupon). These will be great additions to the Awful Apothecary! 

 These are just fun little signs to take up wall space for our annual wicKED weeKEnD Halloween Party. For a buck each at Target...how could I resist? 

 Found these new and suprisingly affordable lenticular pictures at Big Lots. They are rather large and a bargain at 7 bucks to what you would find at Spirit for 15 to 20. I especially like the girl print. The man reminds me of Victorian era Darth Maul. 

Got these two new polystone skulls. I overpaid for one and underpaid for the other. Bottom line, go to Walgreens and grab one for 5 bucks. The LED drip candle was a real bargain at Kirklands. It was in clearance for 2 bucks! (plus 10% off)

I have had great luck in finding unique looking forever pumpkins this year. Got this guy at Walgreens. I hope I will have enough pumpkins to hang from my wicked weeping willow (that is really it's name I promise) and make a real Halloween Tree in the near future.

M found some gothic serving plates and an oven mitt to assist her in her fiendish food preps. 

M was super excited to find a much cheaper (and superior in my opinion) haunted jack in the box. Click below to see it in action!

Please note that no cats were harmed in the making of this video... although one was pretty startled.
 I think M and I were both pleased with this purchase. We usually do our dinning area in spiders for our Halloween party and this tea light chandelier will look fan-dang-tastic hanging over the other spider related settings. I will take more pictures of it when we get it hung properly and outfitted with 10 LED tea lights.
 At long last.... after weeks of regret...I returned to Kirklands and purchased this Halloween masterpiece! (with a 10% off coupon of course!)
 Not sure where it is going to hang just yet, but it will look great wherever!
Here it is with the LED lights lit up behind it. This will look GREAT on a darkened or candle lit wall.
I was able to capture a ghost admiring the print...a ghost named Gizmo no doubt!
Would you like to win all these items I just posted about? I bet you would, but it aint happening.... you CAN win great prizes however by clicking HERE! Enter often!


  1. That painting would be awesome with flickering lights, they don't flicker do they?

    I have the Target werewolf sign in my front window. Only thing I have out yet but I like that it's kind of subtle in that you won't notice it unless you really read it.

    1. I like that werewolf sign for that exact reason! Hold on to yer hat Dex.....the lights DO flicker!

  2. Wow - you have been busy shopping - it all looks good. Love the tea light chandeler!

    1. I hope to have it hung and lit soon so we can get some in action shots ;)

  3. I stood and pondered that print from Kirkland's but wouldn't come off the $39.99,now I wish I would have. Cool stuff Wicked!

    1. Go and get it ;) but....go get the 10% off coupon and print it out first!

  4. So many wonderful finds! Love the jars and a very awesome JOL! And I love the phrase, Forever Pumpkin!!! :0)

  5. The signs are cool. And you've traumatized that cat forever. Well, maybe just for five minutes.
    New follower from Jeremy's site!

  6. GASP where on earth did you find that oven mitt and trays????


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