wicKED Pages

Friday, July 27, 2012

Death by Candlelight.

Nothing like super cheap yard sale bargains re purposed into something wicKED.


  1. That looks really awesome.

    I've got to get out there and snap up some solar lights for my haunt before they're all gone. My lighting is AWFUL. LOL

  2. Hey...those are fantastic, great work! I especially LOVE the Skull with the dripping candle. I've always wanted to try this...was it hard to get it to drip down and look good? Do you have to turn it and move it a lot to get it where you want it...or do you just light him up and let the wax fall where it may?

    1. With the Skull, we used another candle to get the drips just right, however, we have had great luck in just letting nature takes it course. It wasn't hard at all.

  3. Oh cool...I'd also like do something similar with a tree branch that has these melting, dripping candles nestled on it in different places. I may be biting off more than I can chew though...better practice first! Thanks for replying! :o)


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