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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Black Mountain Paranormal Society visits The Inn at Wise.

Photo courtesy of Black Mountain Paranormal Society 

One of the oldest structures in Wise County Virginia is none other than the Inn at Wise. Although it has set vacant for most of my life, it was once a flourishing mecca to the higher society of our region. As any structure surviving well over 100 years, it's history is vast, made more so by it being a hotel and fine dinning establishment for most of it's century of existence.

This historical landmark has went through several name changes over the years. It started out as the Dotson Hotel, which was named after the owner, Captain Henderson Dotson. It served as an Inn and Tavern during civil war times, right up until it burned down in 1909. It was rebuilt to specification by Virginia Governor George Peery in 1910 where it was given the name, The Colonial Hotel.

Photo courtesy of Black Mountain Paranormal Society 

Over the years it has worn the name, The Virginia Hotel and The Inn at the Wise Courthouse. Most of the locals just refer to it as The Inn at Wise.

With a history like that, it is no wonder that it has been reported as a hot spot of haunting. Everything from seeing lights move through the vacant structure at night to seeing and hearing horses in the old carriage house. That's where Black Mountain Paranormal Society comes in.

Photo courtesy of Black Mountain Paranormal Society

B.M.P.S. is a paranormal investigations group serving the local Virginia, Kentucky and Tennessee area. Their mission is to help people with paranormal issues both personal and business related. 

Photo courtesy of Black Mountain Paranormal Society

With the Inn scheduled to go through millions of dollars in renovations, It was the perfect time for this group to get in and see if there are any inhabitants that have failed to check out after all these years. During their investigation, they reported having several members being touched by unseen hands, they were able to capture a great EVP (which can be heard via this link HERE), and a psychic sensitive that was with the team felt many connections with spirits still inhabiting the ancient halls. Here are a few of the pictures of the Inn they took during there day and night investigation:

Photo courtesy of Black Mountain Paranormal Society

Photo courtesy of Black Mountain Paranormal Society

Photo courtesy of Black Mountain Paranormal Society

Photo courtesy of Black Mountain Paranormal Society

Photo courtesy of Black Mountain Paranormal Society

Photo courtesy of Black Mountain Paranormal Society

Photo courtesy of Black Mountain Paranormal Society

Photo courtesy of Black Mountain Paranormal Society

Photo courtesy of Black Mountain Paranormal Society

Photo courtesy of Black Mountain Paranormal Society
They even made one of the local papers.
To see more pictures and videos about this investigation, head over the to BMPS Facebook page HERE.

I can't wait for B.M.P.S. to return and do a second investigation on this great old place. Rumor has it they may be investigating Heritage Hall Retirement and Rehabilitation Home next, which is just a couple of blocks down the street from The Wicked Woods!

To learn more about Black Mountain Paranormal Society, see all the places they have investigated, or request their help with a paranormal situation, head to their webpage HERE or email them at blackmountainparanormal@gmail.com. 


  1. That is SO COOL! Going on a paranormal investigation is totally on my bucket list. I am a storyteller for the Salt Lake City Ghost Tours, and would love to be able to be in on some of the action- not just tell about it.

  2. Very cool... I love old places like that. I only hope someone can restore and keep up the place. Ghosts can be lazy when it comes to housework and maintenance.

    1. It was restored and has a lovely restraunt and takes guest. Can see it from my apartmanet ❤

  3. Great pictures! Thanks for sharing.

  4. One of my favorite places we have investigated!!! Cant wait to go back!!

  5. my dad use to take me there sometimes and eat breakfast when i was little. I can remember telling him that i was going to buy it one day and open it back up when i got older. You could def, feel the spirits in this building.

  6. Stayed the weekend and told my husband there’s no chance it’s not haunted, only guests on the 3rd floor and hearing footsteps at 3am. I love paranormal history, and he chose the perfect place to stay 🖤


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