wicKED Pages

Monday, September 29, 2014

First looks at Wicked Woods Cemetery 2014

Season swap is done and we have most of the outdoor decorations up. Of course I will add, tweak, and change things right up until the last minute on Halloween! We still have a couple of major projects to finish for visible outdoor decor, but for now, we are focusing on decorating inside and preparing for the Annual wicKED weeKEnD Halloween party!

 I took everyone's advise and wrapped the haunt all the way around with the emphasis on the side door with the sidewalk.
The mourning skeleton make another appearance. 

Just hanging out waiting for Halloween.

The gravedigger has started early this year. I think I need to put a green light in the basement window behind him....maybe red.. I dunno.
 I think I may need another green light or two around the sidewalk.

Somebody is waiting.

There is a very cool fire and ice light behind him. Looks like the upstairs is on fire.

Good old Grimmace is guarding the trash cans. He was also absolutely crawling alive with spiders when I got him out.

I feel like this guy after a 3 day working weekend of about 12 hours a day.

I think I need to line the steps with pumpkins...or would that attract TOTS to come up to the wrong door...hmmm.


  1. Mountain Empire Haunted ForestSeptember 29, 2014 at 8:37 AM

    Looks Great!

  2. Looks amazing. Great work with the lighting!

  3. That first pic with all the green is stunning!

  4. Absolutely stunning!! You are in for a fantastic Halloween. Well done.

  5. Wow! Lots of hard work put into this! It looks amazing!

  6. Wow, I can just imagine how thrilled the neighbourhood kids are gonna be!

    As to your wrong door dilemma maybe add some "do not cross" scene-of-the-crime tape to the porch to discourage trick or treaters?

  7. Magnificent! I especially like the eerie red glow coming from inside the coffin!

  8. The new place looks fantastic!!! I love the crows on the lamp! Your lighting, as always, is superb :) And your pictures, are so CLEAR! What type of still and video cameras are you using? I noticed that your 2013 Home Haunter's video was crystal clear.

    1. I use a Nikon DSLR with a Prime lens that allows a very low F Stop (ie allows you to take better pics in the dark) for stills. For the video, it was mostly from a low light HD video camera (Sony) and , belive it or not, M's Samsung Smart Phone.


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