wicKED Pages

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Wicked Wedding Wrapup.

The wicked wedding had to be the best day of our lives. It was funny, beautiful, and perfect! We are still talking about it! We are still waiting for the professional photos but we did get a ton from family and friends.There were a few Haunted Highlights of the wedding I would like to point out.

It had rained most of the week. We had a gutter system fail at the house and it flooded the bar room on the night of rehearsal. Luckily, my friends came to help and we got everything back to pristine condition and made it to the church on time. The day just opened up and was beautiful for the wedding.

That's my best friend and best man....we are being normal.

M getting ready. She loves to photobomb her selfies....

The Bride, flower girl and bridesmaids all acting silly before the wedding.

The Groomsmen and I acting up before we go out. We walked out to the tune of Star Wars's Imperial March. So many people commented on that!

The church we got married in was absolutely beautiful! It is also soon to be famous as it was used in a soon to be released movie where there is a wedding scene much like ours!

The pastor said, "You may now kiss the bride and update your facebook status!" The church rolled in laughter. We even got photo bombed by the pastor.

Here is what it looked like in our actual facebook post!

All of the groomsmen had super hero shirts under their tuxes. We have great photos of us revealing our secret identities that I will post later.

My Grooms Cake. M totally surprised me with this! One of my employees made it, even brought it to work and I did not notice a thing!  Plus I get the cool bride and groom busts as a keep sake! I notice a theme with M reiterating ,"till death do us part". I may have to go undead if things turn south!

The cake tasted great plus it turned your mouth black!

Thumbs up if you're wicKED!


  1. What a great, fun day! Congrats to you both!

  2. Now THAT looks like a fun wedding! Congrats, you crazy kids!


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