wicKED Pages

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

A tale of SnowGulls and Fiery Liquors.

 What a day! Woke up up to freezing rain. Slid to work early only to find out we were on a 2 hour delay to open. M found a group of seagulls in our front yard. Poor guys were WAY off course.

  After work, found the car COMPLETELY encased in the hardest ice I have even encountered. After half thawing the car out made it home to find a huge fire 2 blocks down from the house. It was an auto parts store that caught fire. As soon as I walked in the house, power went out! The fire really raged on. It took a few building with it and ALMOST got the ABC store!

Whew! glad they saved it!
Now, to try and rest up to see what life has in store for me tomorrow... NO REST FOR THE wicKED!


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