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Friday, November 22, 2013

Turkyday is coming and I am thankful.

Things are settling down, somewhat. I am finally on a normal schedule at work. After 3 months of 6 day work weeks with constant over time, I have time to devote to my life. Just in time for the Holidays. 

The move is 90% complete. Still have to get my 75 gallon fish tank over and we have some junk in cabinets, storage building etc. We have the task of getting the old home ready to sell so we can get out of paying for 2 mortgages, 2 electric bills and 2 water bills. I am just thankful we have good job that allow us the means to live this way for a while.

Still lots of boxes everywhere. Still lots of cleaning that needs to go on with the new house. Just have to make time to do it. 

The cats are finally back to normal in their new home. I think it was a bit intimidating for them at first and the sheer size of the house scared them. They seem to enjoy it now. 

Gizmo likes to hunt for ghosts in the attic. Wonder if he ever finds any?

I even feel like I can rest and enjoy the new house from time to time...just not for very long. 

Hope everybody is gearing up for a big Turkey Day with Family and Friends! 

1 comment:

  1. We did the exact same thing when we had our second home built, paid on two mortgages. While it is a pain, it made moving and cleaning everything a bit more stress free. Congrats on the new home, Happy Thanksgiving!


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