wicKED Pages

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

It's beginning to look a lot like CREEPMAS!

I'm a CREEP for The 13 Days of CREEPMAS

It's that time again. We at the wicKED woods will be participating in this annual grand event!

What is Creepmas? I am glad you asked! Here is the official excerpt from the blog: 

CREEPMAS is a good-natured push back at Retail America for trying to force Christmas down our throats as early as July. Something has gone seriously wrong with how holidays are marketed to us in the last 5 years. When you go to a major retail store in mid-October only to find they've gotten rid of all their Halloween merchandise in favor of snowmen & Santas, well, it's time to take action!
Something as utterly ridiculous as Christmas trees in August deserves an equally ridiculous response!
CREEPMAS is for those Halloween lovers and Monster Kids who want to say "enough is enough" - if they're going to put their Christmas into our Halloween, then let's put our Halloween into their Christmas! Tim Burton showed us that it can be done with marvelous results, and we're definitely following his lead.
The 13 Days of Creepmas is an online Celebration of Spookiness from December 1 - 13. The idea is to bring a macabre twist to Christmas and the holidays. Get creative and post it on your blog - share your twisted yule visions with the world!
Now bear in mind - this is for FUN. We're not out to ruin other peoples' holidays and sabotage/vandalism are NOT what we're promoting. Leave the neighbors' nativity scene alone. The 13 Days of Creepmas is about how you decorate yourself, your home and/or your life to let the world know that you are a CREEP! Wear it loud, wear it proud!
And Thanksgiving? Sorry, you turkey - you're on your own.

So head on over to the blog at THIS LINK and see how you can participate! Merry Creepmas!


  1. yay!!!! I love creepmas!!!! Can't wait to see all of the Creepy Christmas decorations out there, as well as constructing a few of my own >=} Mwahahahahahaha ;)

  2. I might have a little Creep this Mas. But just one I think.


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