wicKED Pages

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

11/12/13 was a day to remember.

Just a quick update on life in general as the blog and Facebook have been sorely lacking since we started.

First, the rumors of my death are exaggerated, although it feels pretty close to the truth. Working full time jobs then coming back to work at least 8 hours on moving an unpacking is enough to kill you. We are 75% moved (no where near that unpacked and set up. The computer is set up and running, most of the TV's (except the new 65' flat screen which is still in the box). Halloween is all put up and now Christmas is too (3 truck loads of Christmas so I don't feel to bad about the 7 it took for Halloween.

They are still shooting the movie either directly in front of my house or in front of my mother's down the street. They shoot late into the night and it lights up the mountains till the trees look white.

view from the back deck.

It's hard rubbing elbows with movie stars...ahh, but we will survive somehow.

One of the best things about 11/12/13 was having The Wicked Woods Cemetery featured on PUMPKINROT! 

Always one of the highest honors imaginable for a Haunter! 

We are busy trying to finish the old house for market, and get the new one unpacked so we can celebrate TURKEY DAY! Hope you all are having a wicKED time!


  1. SO glad that you guys are doing well :) Moving is a pain, but once you get everything unpacked, it'll all be worth it :)
    Congrats on getting featured!!! That's quite an honor indeed! And well deserved :)
    Any idea what movie is being filmed? That's pretty cool :)

    1. Thanks! It is a pain plus we have to get our old house cleaned and show ready so DOUBLE pain, but it will be so worth it. The Enclosed Shauna Shower has already won me over on the move. The movie is "Big Stone Gap" based on the book of the same name. IMDB.com and search for details...pretty cool movie about my home town.

  2. I'm glad you have your priorities straight -- first the computer and the TVs, then the Halloween stuff, then minor details like furniture. ;)


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