wicKED Pages

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Tree-reffic Tuesday's Walk in the Woods.

We finally took the time to hit the local park that is located right in front of our new home. I often forget what a great place we live in and it takes some slow Sunday afternoons to remind me. Hopefully, once we move in, we will walk more often with ease of access...and as a result get more pictures, and less wicKED (I need to lose some weight or my doctor will kill me!)

Even though we have had temps in the lower 30's, Mother Nature was still dawning her summer colors for the most part. We still found some fall scenes to shoot.

With my Trusty sidekick in tow, we headed out for the day!

I think he may have told her an off color joke.

Pretty sure this unusual tree has been slated for removal. I hope not as it is very cool!

Some odd fellow with a tri-pod is following M!

We found some ducks!

M keeps treats just in case we run into them. Most are tame enough to feed right out of your hand.

Did I mention we ran into some ducks?

All in all, it was a great day...one I shall remember for a long time.


  1. What a pretty area! It's so nice to have a good park nearby. Now you need to get a dog so you'll be forced / obligated to get out for walks! :)

  2. Beautiful pics! Looks like a great day!

  3. What a beautiful day! I like how the sun rays look in the last picture. They're really shooting out! That's cool that you have a park so nearby. I'm sure you'll spend a lot of time there. I'm trying to figure out that duck with the red face. I guess that's a duck. I've just never seen one quite like that.

  4. Such gorgeous images.
    I can't remember the last time I saw a sky that blue.
    I'm impressed that you live in Big Stone Gap, I've read Adriana Trigiani's book.

    The ducks are adorable : )


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