wicKED Pages

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

A tour of a (soon to be) Haunted House.

 As Halloween approaches ever closer, I am working feverishly to prepare our new home to receive us and all our stuff (Halloween and otherwise). Here is a tour of the new Wicked Woods and the new Meade Manor! 

I do realize that this post is not very Halloween related and it is a blatant outlet for me to brag about the new house, but after what we have been through to get it, I think I deserve to boast!

Here is part of the deck. I actually have a yard full of leaves...and a little shed to do vile evil things in! Good thing we have a privacy fence!

Exterior steps leading down to the basement... something foreboding has to go on here at some time.

The full 6 vehicle car port with auto sensor lighting...nothing scary about that except the wicKED mobile is parked there.

Our kitchen with granite tile floors and countertops. When M told me the cabinets all had lazy Susans, I thought they were haunted by a sluggish ghost. 

Laundry room with laundry shoots on every floor at the 3 bathrooms. Great for getting out graveyard mud, brains, and blood. 

Basement bathroom all tile for easy cleanup of any vile fluids. 

The formal dining room complete with gothic style chandelier begging for leaves, bats, or spiders to be hung from it.

Leading into the living room..that large window is Crank Ghost ready!

The fireplace will be a great fixture to any get together or party....or for burning evidence.

Looking back into the dining room and the side door. Those steps will have to have some kind of sinister garland.

Good place to catch a ghost creeping up and down.

Stylish double doors leading into the Master Bedroom... Great for dramatic entrances!

The master bedroom. Not sure what we will do with all the room!

At least there is a fan where we plan to put the bed for "phantom smells".

His and her adjoining closets.

All the closets in the house are rigged to turn the light on when the door is opened. Too bad for any ax murderers  trying to hide out.

The steps leading down to the full basement. M says she just knows that one night she will look down there and see an evil little girl with glowing eyes looking up at her... M also needs to stop taking so much cough syrup.

The pool table room... you can almost smell the testosterone in the air. The table will be a good place to display something dead during Halloween parties...or even Christmas!

This is the soon to be Entertainment Room. This is where we will put a 67 inch TV, stereo system, and Xbox.

 I can see Superbowl parties or scary movie night here!

This will be M's craft room. Here she will make crafts....and creepy jewelry, costumes, and dead things, but mostly crafts.

This used to be an office. I am pretty sure this will be our new work out room or a cool place to store dead bodies.

One of the three full bathrooms has a sauna in it. This is great to work the kinks out of a haunters back during set up and tear down.

Our creepy old Gothic front door in a little foyer. I always wanted a house with a foyer. It creaks horribly when you open it... WD40 STAY AWAY!

Here is a horrid little hiding place beside the door...I can see many people getting got from here.

A walk in coat closet beside the front door. It has a little window....something horrid will have to stare out at children during Halloween.

Of course it comes with a full self contained security system. Every door and window has a sensor, 8 internal and 4 external motion sensors, as well as a 72 hour battery backup. It even controls lighting which can be a great boon to a haunter.

Here is my "utility room"

In here I will make a flying crank ghost...or a bomb....or a flying crank ghost bomb.

Here is the upstairs landing leading into one of the bedrooms. Something creepy needs to stand here during Halloween Parties.
This is one of the upstairs bedrooms that has the secret passage way storage closets.

In one of the upstairs bedroom closets you will find a little door...does it lead to Narnia? 

Nope! It just leads to a massive area for Halloween Storage!

There are two of these hidden rooms.This side will be for even more Halloween storage and some of M's Christmas (if there is room).

The "Blue Bedroom" is where my office is going. Love the built in shelves.

It even has room for a bed so we can fully utilize all 5 bedrooms. 

This place is loaded with closets! 16 in all and I plan on opening up another room for more Storage. The most impressive thing about the closest is they are all wired for the lights to come on automatically! Not to mention hidey holes, storage bins and shelves!

The best part of the "Blue room" is the attached balcony.

It gives a commanding view of the heart of my little Hometown (and also a great view of where they are shooting the movie!)

We also have a Sugar Maple! 

The side porch which I assume most will enter through here. The yard is huge and perfect for Halloween decorations. 

The official front porch. There is a hidden room upstairs that has a thin wall
in front of the little round window. That wall will be coming down shortly so something creepy can stare down at people. 

We also get to enjoy our neighbors beautiful sugar maple. 

Where does the haunting come in? Well that's easy... 



  1. I am so jealous! The house is so awesome! Congratulations! :)

  2. Congrats to you both! That looks like a great house with tons of character. Wish you many happy years haunting. Although I'm extremely jealous of the sugar maples!

  3. Wow! We got a great place with no character. Yours is perfect! I hope we will convey the haunty spirit as well as you guys. Congrats!

  4. WOW! It's fantastic! Love the wood floors & even the doors are beautiful! Congrats to you both!


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