wicKED Pages

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

wicKED Wednesday Weirdness.

Just a little weirdness through the week as we continue to decorate for Halloween....we are slowly winning the war against the endless wall of totes!
I awoke to find my beautiful M turned into a Duck Dynasty Dude. Luckily she is not crazy, she was just participating in a fun school day event...an event, I am sad to say, that was to dress up like Duck Dynasty characters. I am pretty proud that she threw this outfit together in no time!

So what is weird about this?  
Is it that a cat is sitting in a snow man tote? 
Is it that the snow man tote is on the kitchen table?
 Is it that there is a snowman tote next to some Halloween lenticular pictures?
Is it the lack of other Halloween decor on the kitchen Table? 
No. The weird thing is that the cat (Gizmo) is sitting around like a normal cat for once. 
He is usually on his back yawning!

Something not weird but lucky did happen. I was in a local Magic Mart (that's hillbilly Walmart for those that don't know) and I was at the service desk talking to the manager when I saw this cool little Halloween picture

It claimed to be a flicker LED picture and had a price of 13.99. The manager said it was returned due to the lights not working. I asked if she would take some off the price if I purchased it. She agreed to 4 bucks. I quickly found the problem (battery contact pushed into the housing) and now have a new CHEAP treasure to add to the collection!


  1. I love your cute cat - and what an awesome job of haggling the price down on the jackolantern pic and then fixing it yourself. Clever! :-)

  2. Gizmo is adorable, not matter the pose!

    The pic is awesome!


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