wicKED Pages

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Thirsty Thursday Pumpkin Beer/Ale Labels

Just a few random labels from some of Autumns best! 


  1. Love these. There are too many for me to pick a favorite label. I'm going to have to give a few of these a try!

  2. Holy, cow! That's an impressive collection of labels!

    Now, to try them all... ;)

  3. These are really neat!

    Loving the Headless Horseman : )

  4. There's so much great pumpkin beers out these days, we rocked the blue moon pumpkin ale all season last year.

    Plus there's a ton of great ciders that are readily available these days, and I noticed that the little hippy-dipper market had canned mead. CANNED MEAD. I'm not sure if we're living in the past of the future, but I dig it the most.


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