wicKED Pages

Monday, September 16, 2013

Be careful what you wish for...you might get it!

11 years ago I drove past a house that I never quite got over. It was for sale...but the character of the home just spoke to me. After I entered it and discovered the character only deepened on the inside... I knew that this was the house for me...my dream house. It is located in the heart of my home town, within walking distance of everything the town has to offer including the local park! It was in a great neighborhood surrounded by old trees, steepeled churches, and Victorian style homes with towers. The yard was begging for a haunt and the house itself...well it may have a ghost or two. It just had that look! Perfection! I was just starting out in my career and the HEFTY price tag was way out of my league....I tried though. I bargained.. I begged, but it slipped from my grasp. This particular house has changed hands many times over the last decade. 2 doctors, an attorney, and a real estate mogul have all called the dwelling home.I even attempted to purchase it once again during that time, but it continually slipped through my fingers to bigger bank accounts than my own. That dream seemed dead.

A lot has changed in those 11 years and fate has smiled upon us. I have a great job working in banking and M has turned out to be a successful teacher. Life has been treating us kindly. So kindly that when we saw THE HOUSE for sale again...I dared to attempt an offer. M fell in love with it just as I did all those years ago. She was officially on the wagon with me! The offer was for almost half what it appraised for, so I went in with little to no expectations of getting it. Looks like the third time was the charm. We were approved our loan and close on THE HOUSE October 8th! It hasn't been choir music and golden lights... in fact, it has been a HARD and often stressful road to get here, but we did. We even managed to line up some motivated buyers for our current home. So everything is great! Right?

Fate has a cruel sense of humor.A haunters nightmare is to have Halloween disrupted by death, disease, work, or life. So of course we close the first week of October on the new house. Of course we will be paying 2 HUGE mortgages right during Halloween season. Of course there is a ton of things to do to the new and old house to get them both "ready" for new inhabitants! So that is where I sit...smack dab in the middle of a nightmare of my own design.

Should we put Halloween on hold? Should we have it here or at the new place? Should we decorate one or the other, both or neither? Thankfully M is the calmer one of us and helped lay out the plan for this transition. The plan is simple.

We will have one last Halloween in the Wicked Woods of old! Both the wicKED weeKEnD Halloween party and the yard haunt will be at our current resident. We usually pack up all the summer stuff and store it away in our out buildings, but instead, we will move it over to the new home. We usually just pack up all the normal decor, pictures, and items from the house to decorate for Halloween, but this time we will pack it ALL up and put it into carefully labeled boxes ready to move on a daily basis. After Halloween, we will box all our Halloween stuff up and take it it's new home. So Halloween for us has been saved.

Somewhat....as far as new projects, those are all discontinued till next year. New prop making and construction is also on hold till next year. We will continue to do the reviews, videos and walk through for the local haunts. My blog posting may take a small hit with lesser involved posts, but I intend to blog right through the High Holiday including the Countdown to Halloween.

It is going to be the BUSIEST October of my life...but I love it! The thought of the future Halloween parties and haunts... not to mention the wonderful life we will make there is keeping me going.

I will really miss the little stone tile porch:

And my pond/garden bench:
 I will just have to make new favorite spots in the years to come.

It is kind of sad to think this will be the last wicKED weeKEnD at our old home...and the last time zombies will crawl out of the ground in these Wicked Woods, but new memories are dying to be made elsewhere. I really look forward to the new Wicked Woods and the adventures that will come with it.

I just have one question that I can't stop thinking about ......

Is it Haunted? 

I sure hope so!


  1. It's always sad to leave a once loved home behind, but I'm sure your Halloween party will be the perfect way to say goodbye to it.

    You must be over the moon knowing that after all these years, your dream home is finally yours to keep. I look forward to future posts, and finding out if it's truly haunted : )

    1. Thanks! It will be haunted at least by my super old cat Archie... he is pushing 21 years!

  2. congrats to both you guys. how very cool that you're going to acquire your dream home--not sure I'm ever gonna' accomplish that goal! I'm already visualizing how you're going to decorate the new place! ;)

    1. Thanks Pam! I have been visualizing decor for years on this pad!

  3. Congrats good Sir wicKED.... most people never get to live to see a "Dream" come true.... we are happy for you.... the Doctor

    1. Thanks Doc! I appreciate the kind sentiment!

  4. Congrats!

    Seeing how many people have been in the house in 10 years and having recently watched the first season of American Horror Story, I can't help but feel it must be haunted!

    1. I sure hope so! I would pay extra for that feature!

  5. Awesome! Congratulations - I can't wait to see pictures of the inside!!! I love old homes, the more haunted they look the better.

    1. Indeed! Me too.... there is a total haunted house right next door. I will take pictures of it too when we move in.

  6. CONGRATS! How incredible. I bet this will be an October you'll remember forever.

  7. So happy for you and M, Ked! I love your new house and I'm crossing my fingers that it will be chock full of ghosties! ;) It kind of seems appropriate that this huge milestone in your life should be taking place during the Halloween season and it's nice that you can say goodbye to the old property with a final Halloween celebration. Transitions are always tough but come next Halloween, you'll be all settled in for brand new spooky adventures! :)

  8. That is wonderful! If it isn't haunted now, it will be once you move in and set up your wonderful haunt!

  9. Congrats on the house! It was obviously meant to be yours. Hope you're very happy there!


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