wicKED Pages

Sunday, August 11, 2013


Real panic is setting in. 80 days till the big night and all we have to show for it is a hanging dummy prop with a questionable motor and a few awesome PVC Candles to add to the graveyard. It's an exercise in extreme stress as we wait and wait and wait some more for word on our home loan. I just know that it will all go down SMACK DAB in the middle of Halloween. 

We usually decorate inside the first week of SEPT and then put out the cemetery, lighting, and wire needs the last week of SEPT. We always wait for the heavy hitting animitronics and bigger props till the night of Halloween. I fear we will get it all set up and BAM close on our new dream house (Complete with real ghost stories). 

What is a haunter to do.....worry is my best friend and anxiety is my bedfellow. Oh well....it is what it is and the show must go on! 

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, you might want to delay the haunting until October. We only setup for two nights and then tear it down the day after Halloween but at least it's set up for Halloween. That would suck to set up and not make it until Halloween.


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