wicKED Pages

Monday, August 5, 2013

Pumpkins on Vacation.

Halloween is looming ever nearer, but most of us are still enjoying the summer fun and sun. In light of that, enjoy these Pumpkins doing the same!


  1. I don't know why, but I like these a lot.

    Guess they remind me of late August trips to Florida, followed by the descent of the Autumn season.

    That Pineapplantern is phenomenal!

    1. I always wondered what the Autumn/Winter Holidays would be like at the beach. I like the Pinaplleanters too. Always was a big fan of jack o lanterns in non pumpkin items ;)

  2. I bet those pineapplanterns smell AMAZING. I frickin LOVE that sand castle tho! Insane! now i'm thinking about ideas for ocean themed haunts....

  3. Great "Pumpkin post" good Sir wicKED....
    Thanks for this uplifting post to brighten our day....


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