wicKED Pages

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Monsters invading breakfast!

Looks like General Mills will be revamping their classic monster cereals and bringing back 2 long forgotten creatures to add to the mix.

Not sure about Frute Brute but I am all about me some Yummy Mummy!


  1. I do so wish they'd go back to the old illustrations one year.

    That's probably because I'm old! ;)

    1. Nah...I like a nostalgic walk down memory lane from time to time too!

  2. Yeah I can't eat those conventional cereals anymore, I react really badly to the gmo-corn and wheat, but if they used the vintage 70's box art I'd be tempted for sure. I'm a sucker for vintage monster kid stuff.

    1. Yeah it brings back so many memories.....ahh the good old days of a baby haunter.

  3. I remember Count Chocula and Frankenberry but had forgotten about the others. Thanks so much for putting these up and giving us all a trip down memory lane. I adore horror nostalgia!! :-)

  4. These are brilliant!

    I love the look of the Count Chocula's : )

  5. Target will indeed be releasing "retro" versions of each cereal box for the 2013 Halloween season, so keep your eye out. Just FYI.


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