wicKED Pages

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

If you missed Syfy's new season of Faceoff... then you did not have nightmares of a one eyed, baby eating troll.

Faceoff is another "sign of the season" as they usually have the finale right around Halloween...plus they have amazing costumes and makeups that really give me ideas for my own Halloween shenanigans. 

This year they have a group of returning veterans from past seasons going up against a group of new comers. Should make for some good episodes.

If you did not watch last night....then this thing did not haunt your dreams!


  1. The season certainly started off with a bang, didn't it?!?

    I loved the designs that they came up with! I think the pixie on the vet side and the faun on the newbie side were my faves... although the vet witch was cool and that troll... yikes.... great design, but the baby thing... that was a bit much!
    Can't wait to see what else they have in store!

    1. Same here... I saw some kind of pumpkin vine creature that was right out of Pumpkinrot's nightmares on the previews.

  2. I've never seen Face Off - sounds watchable though.

    I'm so glad that thing didn't haunt my dreams, it's really grim!

    1. Very watchable. Very unscripted too. I hope you catch it.

  3. Yeah, That was quite the image. Pushing the envelope right out of the box. Strange we didn't hear any judges comments on that...or did I miss something?

    1. Nope they said nothing. I guess they were trying not to draw too much attention to it...sorta like not making a mountain out of a mole hill thing.

  4. I do think it's a bit weird that they're having newbies vs vets. I kinda feel the vets have an advantage as they've been through it already and have gotten feedback on their work. But we'll see!

  5. I love this show! I do think it might be a bit unfair having the newbs vs. the vets, but I guess we'll see if they can pull it out. I was on vacation and I still made sure I caught the season premiere! Missed last nights episode tho. Cant wait to see how this season goes!


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