wicKED Pages

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Happy Birthday Blog! 2 Years Old!

That's right, my old Halloween blog turns two today!

Doesn't feel like two years but it has. I want to thank all those that support, read, and complain about my blog. You are the ones that make it all worth wild!

To celebrate, lets take a walk down memory lane.

  Here is the link to my first post!

Here are the top 10 most viewed posts from my blog over the last two years:

Hope you have enjoyed this trip as much as I have... Here's hoping for at least 2 more! 


  1. Happy Blog Birthday! Here's to many more!

  2. Happy Biennial Blogiversary there Ked!

    We'll have to give you something cotton. How about a mouldy rotted shroud?

    Here's to many more, heh heh!

  3. hell yes, happy days for all.. and many more!

  4. Congrats and thanks for keeping Halloween alive 365!

  5. I'm late, but Happy Blogiversary!!!


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