wicKED Pages

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

New wicKED Logo.

I have been working on my own logo. I would love some opinions and critiques to make this perfect. Fire away.


  1. I think it looks great as is. Love the willow tree and I like the font for "Wicked Wood".
    Nice work!

  2. I love that you've gone for a monochrome
    finish, I couldn't think of a single thing
    that would make this more appealing.
    It's perfect as it is.

  3. Looks really good Ked! Only suggestion I would have is if you drop the moon and bats you could easily reverse the image to a dark color on a light background if you ever had need for that. If not, just leave it, I think it fits the haunt concept I've seen in your videos good.

    1. Yeah we have lots of willows in the Haunt so I knew I had to go with that. I have a couple of others that I have switched out the color and another I did in the green wicked woods color.

  4. Love it Ked, nice work! Really like the font work as well.

    1. Thanks buddy... I have been toying with fonts for a bit now.

  5. first off, I think your logo is going in an amazing direction! I do have some suggestions, and please dont take them personally because this is really beautiful. I think there are a lot of elements in the logo (bats, tree, headstone, hand, bird, moon, tree, etc.) I think youve made a great choice in keeping them silhouettes, but I do think that if you simplified it there would be a clearer picture with stronger impact. I definitely suggest keeping the willow as a main focus, and then maybe just the hand coming out of the ground and one bat/crow in the sky. This not only makes the willow a more important point in the logo but keeps it simple for embroidery/small printing/painting/whatever. And for the type: the font with the root/leaf detail is cool but could be tricky to reproduce again in embroidery etc etc. But if youre just using it as a jpeg for online stuff, then i think your just fine. I really hope this was helpful! And please email me if you want to talk about it or anything. Congrats on designing your own, that stuffs HARD!


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