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Monday, June 24, 2013

Monday's Monstrous Mega post {Deals to Die for}

Like many Halloween Heads/Home Haunters, we are on a budget. Anytime we can get a good deal on a sweet Halloween related items is a double win in our books. Here is the fiendish finds of this year...hope there is more!

Found this in a yard sale for a buck!

Another yard sale find. A bamboo spice rack. Still have the Walmart tag on it for 7.98. We got it for 50 cents.

Yard sale find. It was broken at the base but with a little glue and paint, it was well worth the dime we paid for it.

M's finds at various TJ Max type places. Got these for 60% off.

Yard sale finds. 10 cents each. The bottle came with the cotton and the dice...strange!

Found at a local Magic Mart for 50 cents.

New machete with a wooden handle for a buck...can never have enough machetes!

More skull shot glasses to add to the collection. A buck each.

M found these never opened light sets at a yard sale. Paid a dollar each. I am not a fan of string lights in a haunt but these will be great for the Halloween Party!

Yard sale for...you guessed it. A quarter!

I won this free from Bindlegrim! Check out his sight here!

Heavy Tablecloth for the Halloween party. 50 cents.

Creepy doll heads at an estate sale. They had 5 bucks on them for the set but they were 50% off so we made off with them for 2.50.

Not sure what exactly I will do with them....

but I hope it is creepy!

Found these at Pier One for 90% off the whopping 7 dollar price tag. May use these for a blog giveaway.

Found these on a recent trip to Roanoke Virginia at a hobby store. Everything was 75% off. These cost a whopping 2.50.

Same shop in Roanoke...these were 1.75

Coming back from Roanoke we stopped a Cracker Barrel and found 90% off Halloween items! Got this for 2 bucks!

Same Cracker Barrel produced M some wich shoe covers for a dollar.

Salt and pepper shakers at a Cracker Barrel in JUNE! 25 cents each! 

M found the mother load at a local school. They were selling OLD books for about 50 cents each. Some of these are as old as 1820! 

This one appraised at 50 dollars! 

Most of the poor conditioned ones we will re-purpose into creepy haunted books. The others like this one, we ill put out for effect. 

This was also in the collection from 1977

Egads! Instruments to examine the kidney from the late 1800s!

One of he best deals I have gotten this year is the new computer system. 
With the new photo and video editing capabilities, I cannot wait for Halloween!


  1. We hardly decorate indoors but if we did, I always like the homes with the combined vintage or antique pieces combined with Halloween decor. A skull on an end table by itself is rather boring. Put that skull on top of a pile of old books and add an old candle holder and candle to the table and now you got something! Those vintage books were a GREAT acquisition!

    1. Yeah M did a good job on them. I just need a vintage home to go with our cool stuff. We missed out on an old victorian deal of a life time, but still....we are gonna do it up no matter what.

  2. Congrats on all your great deals! "Can never have enough machetes." I love that! lol


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