wicKED Pages

Monday, April 22, 2013

It's rise from the EARTH DAY!

Happy rise from the Earth Day!


  1. Yes good wicKED, we have been posting "Promo-Spots" for this upcoming event ( I promised Lady Annie and Lady Emma)... I went to school for a couple of years to study "Advertising and commercial Art)... Then Everything switched to computers ,... making most of what I had learned mostly "useless"... So I will do what I can to put together "Non-boring" promos...
    Have a great Day good "wicKED"... Dr.Theda..

    1. Glad to hear it! I will look forward to what you have in store. Always a pleasure to hear from the Doctor!

  2. I love pictures of Cemeteries. Which is why I want to get my Bridals taken in a Cemetery. :)

  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pnsKCbp3ZJY


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