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Sunday, March 10, 2013

Time to Spring Ahead into Buzzard Day

Yes, it's that time of year again when we push our clocks forward one whole hour. While it does steal an ENTIRE hour from our Monday morning sleep...it does allow us haunter minded people to have another hour to create props in the coming days.

It is also Buzzard Day..... Have you hugged your buzzard today? 

I am going to celebrate with a Buzzard Blizzard! Mmmmm chunky!


  1. Thank you I shall inform others that Today is "National Buzzard Day" ...lol

  2. Happy Buzzard Day!

    I am finally well enough to sit at my laptop and Blog again! YAAAY! My iPad was just not cutting it. It's great for one liners on Facebook but for Blogging and emailing it just doesn't cut it!


    Happy Sunday to you and M!! Love you guys!

  3. I always look forward to Daylight Savings Time this time of year. Summer is on it's way and I couldn't be happier. I'm so sick of Winter. :/

  4. There is such a thing as a buzzard blizzard. They're sold in a few Ohio dairy queens and contain pecan, strawberries, and banana.


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