wicKED Pages

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Lordy, Lordy....wicKED's Forty!

I am turning the big 40 today. For most people, New Years Eve signals the end of the "holiday" season. Not so in the wicKED woods. I guess we are lucky to have an extra week of Celebration thanks to my birthday. Of course, we celebrate just about every occasion. from Super Bowl to Arbor Day, so it really never truly dies down here.

Yesterday was a great Birthday Eve as well. M took me to see The Hobbit in 3D, bought me a  perfect steak at Applebees, and our flirty Ukrainian waitress wanted to come home with us.

A great Birthday Eve indeed!

My birthday falls on a rather obscure holiday that you may have heard your great grandmother speak of. It is Epiphany or "Old Christmas". This is the day the three wise men made it to the manger. This day is celebrated by large feasts and celebrations with friends and family. A large decorated cake is was also made on this day called a Kings Cake to be shared with loved ones. It is bad luck to do laundry, take out the ashes, sweep, milk a cow, or bail hay today. So to keep with tradition, I should invite a bunch of friends and family over, eat a bunch of food, have a cake made for a king, and not do any work....sounds good to me!

January 6th also signals the official start of the Mardi Gras Season (Carnival) which will lead right into Fat Tuesday!

So far, my birthday sounds like a win win situation!

Today (Jan 6th) is also National Bean Appreciation Day and Cuddle Up Day....that is on odd combo, but to round out the festivities, we should all eat a bunch of beans and cuddle up with somebody! 

Dutch oven anyone?

Today also marks the day I make my New Years resolutions. Why? Well I usually have a resolution to eat better, get healthier, and lose weight....which does no good if I am to feast and eat cake 6 days after I make the resolution....so I just wait. 

Here is my list of wicKED Resoltions:

#1 Better health! Eat better, work out more, lose weight.
#2 Make more time for the little things...cause in the end...the little things are the biggest.
#3 Build an extension onto our storage shed so we can be more organized and store more Halloween stuff! (yay).
#4 Spend more time with friends. Seems like everybody is busy with family and work...time for face time!
#5 Help M plan our wedding
#6 Start Halloween prep at the end of July....not a day later! 
#7 Learn to use my DSLR.....and take amazing photos!
#8 Become more organized, get in better routines, and remove clutter from our lives!
#9 Make everything better...I mean everything. Do my job better. Make this years Holidays better than last years. Live every day as if it were your last!

Keep in mind people there is always a reason to celebrate. January is chocked full of strange days to honor so the party doesn't have to stop on New Years.... here is a few things to do/look forward to:

1 New Year's Day

2 Run up the Flagpole and See if Anyone Salutes Day

3 Festival of Sleep Day

3 Fruitcake Toss Day

3 J.R.R. Tolkien Day (INDEED!)

4 Trivia Day (what day is celebrated on Jan 4th?)

4 Humiliation Day (celebrate this day you pathetic bastards!)

5 National Bird Day (I shall flip you all off next year)

6 Bean Day (Beans are good for your heart... the more you eat, the more you.....want more!)

6 Cuddle Up Day (I hope my neighbors will understand I am just celebrating)

6 wicKED Birthday!

7 Old Rock Day (What if you have a new rock?)

7 National Tempura Day (nom nom nom nom)

8 Bubble Bath Day

8 Male Watcher's Day (no thanks)

9 Play God Day (for some... that is every day)

10 Houseplant Appreciation Day (thank you ficus for growing)

10 Peculiar People Day (yay! for me!)

11 Step in a Puddle and Splash Your Friend's Day

12 Feast of Fabulous Wild Men Day (Another day with me in mind!)

12 National Pharmacist Day (what about street Pharmacists?) 

13 International Skeptics Day (or is it?)

13 Make Your Dream Come True Day (Somebody grab me a couple of twin blonde Asian hookers)

13 Blame Someone Else Day (If you don't like this day, don't blame me!)

14 Dress Up Your Pet Day (that's everyday here)

15 National Hat Day

16 National Nothing Day (well that's something at least)

16 Appreciate a Dragon Day (well hell yes who doesn't!?!?!)

17 Ditch New Years Resolutions Day

17 Blessing of the Animals at the Cathedral Day

18 Thesaurus Day (time, hour, age, period, era, epoch, date, prime, heyday, lifetime)

18 Winnie the Pooh Day -The Birthday of Winnie's author A.A. Milne

19 National Popcorn Day (pass the salt)

20 National Buttercrunch Day

20 Penguin Awareness Day (I am sure that any day you see a penguin...you would be aware of it)

21 Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday  , celebrated on the third Monday

21 National Hugging Day

21 Squirrel Appreciation Day (that's nuts!)

22 National Blonde Brownie Day

22 National Answer Your Cat's Question Day (Right Meow? You cat be serious? yer kitten me!)

23 National Pie Day

23 National Handwriting Day (I will handwrite all my posts that day!)

23 Measure Your Feet Day (Damn....I did this a day early last year!)

24 Beer Can Appreciation Day (everyday!)

24 Compliment Day (Why thank you!)

24 Eskimo Pie Patent Day

25 Opposite Day (Celebrate at night)

26 Spouse's Day 

26 Australia Day (Yay Emma from Little Gothic Horrors Blog!)

27 Chocolate Cake Day

27 Punch the Clock Day (die clock die!)

28 Fun at Work Day (I foresee trouble) 

28 National Kazoo Day (you could take one to work and celebrate doubly)

28 Rattle Snake Round-Up Day (time to pick up all those snakes you left lying around your house for the holidays)

29 National Puzzle Day (It doesn't seem to fit on the calendar)

29 National Cornchip Day (pass the cheese dip)

30 Escape Day (From what?)

30 National Inane Answering Message Day (We are not home right now...we are firmly stuck in the 80's...leave a message and we will get back to you when we get rid of this archaic machine)

31 Backward Day (yaD drawkcaB)

31 Inspire Your Heart with Art Day 

If that is not enough.. The whole month of January is also for :

  • National Bath Safety Month (rubber ducks are evil creatures)
  • National Blood Donor Month (Vampires rejoice!)
  • National Braille Literacy Month (I am a bilingual illiterate.I can't read or write in 2 different languages)
  • National Hobby Month (I'm going to take up knitting)
  • Hot Tea Month (on ice)
  • National Oatmeal Month (Yay food!)
  • National Soup Month (Yay liquid food!)
For those of you suffering from post holiday blues, fret no more! There is every reason to keep the party going all month! 

Today, I plan on opening up my huge pile of Birthday loot. 

M has already stock piled a small mountain of presents for me...can't wait to see what else I get! May your January be truly wicKED!


  1. Happy Birfday there young pup!! Hope you have a GReat day!!! Turned the big 45 on Thursday (1/3) myself! My steak last night at Applebees was less than perfect, but my birthday was GReat!

  2. i don't care... :)

    i don't care what people say, you have a great day... BLOW IT UP!


  3. Happy Birthday! Can't wait to see what kind of loot you got in the stack!

    I am totally gonna print out that list of holidaze and do some celebrating this month!

  4. Sorry I missed it! Hope you had a great day!

  5. Me too KED, I am sorry to be late in wishing you a very happy birthday MONTH! That's right you are entitled to have steak dinner with flirty ukrianiam waitress every day this month, so long as M is ok with that! I think this is national flu month too as Mrs Irons and I have been flu bound for a few weeks now so have not tuned into my blogs for a bit. Happy Belated Birthday!

  6. Happy birthday. and i think you missed the new years day in the list?

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