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Monday, November 26, 2012

Cyber Monday! Time to check out my Black Friday Finds!

Here are a few items we were able to snag at 70+ percent off for Black Friday.

 These did not cost me an arm and a leg at the Dollar General Store.

 Got another arm and a leg plus some other goodies at another Dollar General.
 Lucked up on this skull goblet at TJ Max. The bottles are going in the apothecary next year. The sticker came from Micheal's and was a whopping 9 cents!

 The Duck Tape is for M's classroom next year. I am pretty sure that is Edward Cullen behind those masks.

Anytime you can walk away with Martha Stewart stuff for under a buck, it's a good day!

Well, I did not make out as good as I did last year. The sales just were not there. I think they either got smart about stocking or decided to hold Halloween merchandise over for next year. 

Hope you found some good deals on Black Friday!


  1. Good finds - my Michaels was sold out of a lot of Martha Stewart stuff. I love the cling bats and spiders!

  2. Very nice! It looks like you got a lot of cool stuff. :)


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