wicKED Pages

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Halloween that almost wasn't

We did get snow. 

The Wicked Woods did not get as much as our higher elevation neighbors. We got less than an inch when 20 miles north saw 14inches in some spots. In fact, this is what my drive to work looked like Monday morning as I creeped behind two snow plows.

 It is cold....dead cold and wet.

 I have already taken the next couple of days off from work and I plan on haunting as much as I can. I have had to dismantle a couple of props due to damage or water dangers. I hope to have ample time to get everything together for a decent Halloween experience for what few kids that will get out. 

 Unless they do something drastic and oddball like call for the town to Trick or Treat this weekend of something, The Wicked Woods Cemetery will be active and ready for those young souls that are brave enough to venture through it.

We carved our jack-o-lanterns for this year and are hoping for the best.

Hope your Halloween is wicKED!


  1. Ugh - that's just looks WRONG with the snow!

    But have a Happy Halloween anyway!

  2. Looks great!!! Hope everything turns out...

  3. you are the king of halloween... nice job and the snow kind of looks cool... in a nightmare before christmas kind of way.

  4. I think the Halloween snow adds to the effect - stay safe and warm and Happy Halloween.


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