wicKED Pages

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Halloween Party Commences....wicKEDness Ensues!

We have completed another successful wicKED weeKEnD Halloween party. The weather did not allow us to hang outside by the fire pit, but we made due inside just fine. Here are the highlights.

Lilly was the first to try on my hat.

I had the "Camp Crystal Lake" outdoor area set up, but weather did not allow us to enjoy it.

These are not the refreshments you are looking for.

We are totally beat! Time to take a break and recoup for the big night! Just 3 more days! Hope your weekend was totally wicKED too!


  1. My virtual hat is off to you, sir! That looks amazing and I can't imagine how long it must take to get it all setup.

  2. So great! Looks like you and your guests had a fantastic time!

    Your house looks so amazing...I hope all your hard work was well-appreciated!

  3. great set-up and looks like so much fun! love the food 'displays', esp. the cat sh*t souffle!

  4. Alice and The White Rabbit! How cute is that! You guys look great, and I got a kick out of your guests. That hotdog! Haha! Red Riding Hood and the wolf was a cute couples costume. Nice job with the decorating and lighting. Sorry to hear you couldn't be outdoors. I know you had a great display out there!

    1. Yep I did ;( there is always next year! Thanks for the compliment!

  5. Looks like a great party, man I thought my house was decorated but you all blew mine away...just love all the cool Halloween foods that were made....the cat box was truly disgusting looking (don't know if I would have tried that one!!) Also, where did you find the black sheer draperies with the Halloween scenes? Those are fantastic!! Wishing you both blessings on the High Holiday and a majical Halloween!!

    1. The cat box was one of the best tasting deserts we had. Chocolate mousse and oreo crust. I got those panels from Jo Anne. They were clearance items and I got em for 7 each. You can find them on the net but a bit pricey. Thanks for the wishes and I am sending you the same!


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