wicKED Pages

Monday, September 24, 2012

Season Swap weeKEnD was a success!

 Seems like every year it takes me longer to take down all the summer stuff and put up all the Halloween things. Not sure if I am getting old or if we just keep getting more and more Halloween goodness! Probably a combination of both.

 We started the long process of transforming our otherwise warm and inviting porch to a gauntlet of doom for TOTs.

So hard to believe we enjoyed iced tea on warm summer nights just a few short weeks ago and now we have stripped it of all the warm lights, melodious wind chimes, and soft padded furniture and replaced it with pure wicKEDness!

While we did get MASS amounts done, we are a FAR ways off from being finished. I would say close to 35% complete.

Normally we would have the inside completely decorated by now but with Miranda and I both getting demanding jobs, it has been slow going. At least the walls are blank which is a sign that more sinister art is on the way in!

We did manage to locate a stud (other than myself) and get the spider chandelier hung. This thing is going to be so awesome with tea lights in it and the other spider's around it.

Working on some projects as well. After we get the majority of decorating complete, I will post some pictures of them.

I did manage to get the eye in the sky back up and functioning. HD, Infra Red, and there are two...this one watches the cemetery...the other watches this one!

 Even nature got into the decorating spirit. Found this monster spider doing some spiderweb art.

 He was a big feller!

 I did not have time to run the lights into the graveyard or get the zombies in place. I was able to snap some pretty good pics in the dying light.

On a more serious note, there is a monster in my backyard that I did not invite or create. It is large as a dinosaur and orange as a pumpkin. It is loud and roars in fury. It shakes the house and pushes over large trees as it gnashes at the ground and throws dirt all about. Every morning at the break of dawn it roars to life and starts it's relentless path of destruction as it ruins any chance of our peaceful sleep. I was able to catch a quick pic of it today as it seems to sleep all weekend long. Hope it leaves soon.

Would you like to win a big old orange monster? Sure... we all do, but I aint giving one away. I am giving away some pretty darn good gifts though. Link HERE!


  1. everything looks great! any comments from the neighbors? I remember you having some stories from last year!

    1. I think this neighborhood is finally used to us. We do have new neighbors right beside of us and they have a small army of children. I have had an audience of small girls watching me do everything.... and I mean EVERYTHING.

  2. Nice chandelier! Was that spider seriously in your yard? That's a creepy one!

    1. Thank you! Yep that spider was behind the rose bushes. Found 3 other's just like him. All with that weird zig-zag patter in the web. Hope they are not hexing me

  3. LOL! I'm sure they're terrifyingly and wonderfully amazed! can't wait to see what they think when the big day finally arrives...hehe

  4. Your porch really looks spooky. Your lawn is something that just came out from the Plants vs. Zombies game. I can't wait for your next pictures. I really want to see monsters and zombies on your lawn.


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