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Thursday, September 20, 2012

Looks like Wallgreens won't be stocking skeletons this year.

Looked at several Wallgreens and haven's seen a single skeleton. Hope you all got as many as you wanted last year (cause I always need more).

I was also pretty disappointed in Target. They have out most of the party supplies, costumes, and candy but none of the large items like last year.... hope they get it in gear soon! I did hear Target may be carrying a 5' skele (6 inches shorter than these) for 40 bucks...we will have to see!

Want to win these great skeletons? Me too, let me know if you hear about anybody giving them away... in the mean time, enter HERE for some great prizes!


  1. don't give up on walgreen's yet. they didn't get their big skellies in until very late last year--at least around here!

  2. For your Halloween information:
    Rite Aid has the big skellies for 25% off of $49.99 right now. They have a ton of them too!!

    1. Our local Rite Aid did not have any....I sense a conspiracy!

  3. Nobody around here carried these! That is HITHERTO, apparently walmart has them for $40 a pop. Too bad I don't shop at walmart!

    I got one for $40 from spirit, but I had to have it shipped to me. Way too expensive.

    Here's hoping that these skellies will become and standard Hallowe'en stock as the venerable blucky is.

    1. I sure hope so. I was planning on buying 3 to 6 of them each year till I had an army of them. They fold up so nice to boot!

  4. Alex (My Computer's doctor) Will help me get one at a discount the first part of October .....Awesome....
    Only looks like I will have to "Lay Low" in my hometown for a while ...and thus miss another Halloween...Drop by the "Crypt" for info about that...Way Too much for here....Your "fiend" and new Follower ...Dr.Theda...

  5. They have at the Walgreens in Middle Tennessee....


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