wicKED Pages

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Not even half way through July and Halloween merchandise is popping up!

M took a quick pick yesterday while out running errands of our local DollarTree. Granted they only had a few small nick-naky items, but it is still cool to see Halloween items out before Christmas ones (and even back to school in some cases)

PotteryBarn has their 2012 Halloween offerings up for grab as well. 

They are a bit pricey, but they are offering free shipping on all Halloween.

I usually wait till after Halloween to shop their clearance but I may have to buy those two drink dispensers this  year for our party.

Hopefully early Halloween items will be a trend with other retailers this year.


  1. OH. MY. GOD. Pottery Barn wins again this year for some of the most beautiful Halloween decor, which in my house is everyday decor. Thanks for the heads up!

  2. Replies
    1. My one true driving force for winning the lotto!

  3. Sweet! The dollar store is a great source for groups of props. This year I need lots of crows- and at a buck a piece, how can you go wrong?
    It still seems a bit early....but I'm not complaining. Haunters need a lot of time to build and put their ideas together without the pressure of time.
    (but I guess that happens anyway)

    1. I feel pressure around May each year. I too am going to shell out about 30 bucks for some crows this year.

  4. Pottery Barn always kills me. So pretty. I do wonder why things are so early this year, not that I'm complaining. Maybe the retailers are trying to push up earnings into the third quarter? Hmmmm. Odd too see it all before the back to school stuff...

  5. oh, and the drink dispensers never make it to the clearance section. i tried that last year. just fyi. : )

    1. Yeah I am going to just buy the one outright. :(

  6. Summer has been a washout here in England again this year. So I'm looking forward to Autumn even more than usual. I love anything owl themed, so those butter knives caught my eye right away.

    Ali @ The Autumn Wood

    1. Owls are very vintage Halloween and I think they have been overlooked somewhat over the years. I have a few in my haunt and plan to add many more.

  7. Pretty soon Hallowe'en will start being marketed in June, and Christmas will start in September.

    Truly it is the fall of Rome, even got our calender of holidays totally out of whack.

    Can't say that I can complain about Hallowe'en starting early though, I've always been ahead of the curve in that respect.

    1. Same here. No complains about early Halloween Merch.

  8. Loved these! thanks for sharing! I am SO looking forward to Halloween this year!



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