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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Woodboogers beware. Finding Bigfoot has NOT been canceled.

   Animal Planet's hit TV show "Finding Bigfoot" HAS NOT, I repeat, HAS NOT been canceled.

   I sparked a firestorm of emails and net queries by posting a funny video put together by some of the team members as it aired on the Entertainment Channel's "The Soup" .

   At the end of the video, Cliff makes a joke about "Oh so we found Bigfoot.... I guess we are canceled now." It was just a joke. They are in fact shooting the next season as we speak. Some of the episodes will take them international to find the origins  of Bigfoot/Yeti in "some of the squatchiest locations on earth". 

   South West Virginia Woodbooger fans should not despair. They will still be shooting episodes in the US and there is a VERY good chance that they will return to our very own High Knob area for another hunt. Until they do, I suggest all of you mega fans calm down, grab a Woodbooger T shirt, and watch some reruns. 

   If you just can't wait for the show to return (which it is I promise), you can always join one of the several groups that has popped up to discuss and share info (funny and serious) on the Woodbooger. Facebook has one such group, "The High Knob Woodbooger Association" , that you can join by clicking HERE


  1. I am going to see if I can find this on Netflix. We don't have cable so I am hoping I can find it!

  2. Glad to read that they're still on the hunt for the big, hairy smelly dude wandering the woods

  3. http://virginiabigfootresearch.weebly.com/

  4. it is August 1st, 2012. when is new season of Finding Bigfoot to begin?? or is it cancelled. answer please. thank you

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Looks like Season 2 will start October 15th. If this changes I will update.

  5. when is it coming back??

  6. when is the show back on?? what month and what time??

  7. Season 4 is confirmed to return in the Fall of this year.

  8. As much as I HAD enjoyed the show, Im tired of being dissapointed. The photos and videos don't look real (beyond a reasonable doubt) and you must admit, a full audio and video team stomping through the woods would be hard to hide from any animal, let alone the people who know your filming in the area and are probably the likely cause of the vocalizations and wood knocks you hear. Its frustrating to be lead to believe, week after week that we may actually get to see the real deal only to be once again dissapointed but hey, at least you all had a good time in beautiful country.
    It's funny that more shows have provided evidence of ghosts and an afterlife than in bigfoot and various "mountain monsters".


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