wicKED Pages

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Snow, flowers, birds and ice. Nature throwing curve balls.

As Mother nature continues to baffle us with her whiplash weather, I am amazed at how fast changes can occur. We went from a snowy, overcast morning .....

To a bright and cheerful afternoon in the blink of an eye.

   We dipped to 14 degrees this morning but are expected to see temps in the 60's today and the rest of the week. 

One of my blue spruce that is begging for a home in the back yard.

I will be mowing this in the next few weeks. If there is no snow on it ;)

    I am so looking forward to spring. I have so many yard things that need to be done and the weather is not cooperating. I also have several Halloween projects that am I itching to start but will require a few sunny/warm days to complete. Let's hope that nature has made up her mind for now and we can all move forward into spring!

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