wicKED Pages

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Mother nature has a sense of humor.

   Last week we had 70 degree weather and sunshine followed by tornado storms! Today we are freezing our blossoms off. Literally!

My Bradford Pears are ready to bloom. 

Candy Tufts getting a dusting of snow.

The mountains behind my house hazed over with snow flurries.

Certainly some wicKED weather we are having. 


  1. It's freezing here too but no snow thank heavens!

    1. We got it all. Snow, sunshine, birds, flowers.... we can't decide what season it is here.

  2. We had a cold front coming through last night and it was a welcome change to our hot hot weather. It's been in the mid-80's for a while so we are so enjoying this low 70's weather. Even have a window open ! Yikes, can you imagine that. Thanks so much for this post...loved the pictures and your video.

    Hugs and Happiness to all.

    1. I look forward to opening a window and now worrying about a blizzard or a tornado ;)

  3. oh, you live in such a beautiful area!!! sure hope the pears and all else make it through!


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