wicKED Pages

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Snowpocalypse of 2012

   It is pandemonium here in South West Virginia where people are utterly shocked  snow has come back to the area in winter! This weather phenomenon has taken people by complete surprise as most people can only recall us getting snow for the last few hundred years during winter.
   Local super markets were over run with people trying to get milk and bread. It is unclear what they plan to do with all that milk and bread but one source tells me they believe it is some kind of pagan ritual that will help drive off the snow demons of winter and bring good weather to the state.
   Here are some pictures of the "Snowpocalypse".

Snow in front yard.

Snow in back yard.

Snow in side yard.

Snow in neighbor's yard.

Scary ghost standing in snow in back yard.


  1. LOL! That's funny!!! We had that last year and the same thing happened here.

    When I was a kid, I remember piling on the sled with my 2 brothers & 2 sisters so Dad could pull us thru thigh-deep snow out to the outhouse before bed because our pipes had froze. Now we don't hardly get any!!

    1. Seems like I recall it being white all winter. I trained my Collie dog, Major, to pull my sled back up the hill for me.

  2. Not as much snow in the backyard as the front yard I see, lol, funny stuff Ked! Get to shoveling!

  3. Wow! Are you climbing out the windows? LOL

    1. Yes but that is the way i normally exit the house anyhow.

  4. It is crazy how people panic over snow and buy mass quantities of perishable items that end up spoiling before they can be used instead of stocking up on toilet paper (something I don't think I could live without) and canned goods which will keep up to a year and in a pinch, can be eaten without cooking if the power goes out.

    After living through the blizzard of '78 with snow up to the roof, water pipes frozen and the power going out with no projection of when it would be repaired, it would take a lot of snow to scare me. The thing that scares me most about winter anymore is the heating bill.

    1. We could eat a month on just the canned goods we have stocked. I am right there with you about the fear of the bill!


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