wicKED Pages

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

All agree, apothecaries are always awesome and awful.

   I had posted my glowing apothecary/bar area a few weeks ago:

   I have also been working on a more conventional apothecary complete with some of the grossest ingredients I could find. After seeing some of the other blog author's creations, I fear mine looks is severely lacking. Here it is in it's 95% completed phase.

    This is diagonally across from the glowing apothecary. Hopefully our party guests will spend some time exploring both. They may even find a surprise or two.

   Here are some close ups of the items that make up this gross gathering. I apologize for my photographic skills (or lack of). I am seriously considering taking a class at the local college. Till then, here is what I have with the best I can do:

Dead Man's Fat (Vegi oil, butter, water), Twisted Twigs (dried curly willow branches),  Earth worms(gummy worms and grape jelly).

Toadstool  clippings (dry garlic), Graveyard Dust (talc), Eye of Newt (Cloves).

Hand and Brain both from Dollar Tree (little grow toys)

Petrified Butterflies (printed and cut out butterfly wings glued together ) Poison and Vamp Blood (Grenadine) 

Vials are Walmart sprinkle pack I got last year for 50 cents. Jar of Eyes is a prop I got from Spencer's (animated), Dried Hell Fire (Volcano Rocks for a gas grill).

Swamp fog (lightly sprayed with backing soda water), The invisible man Eyes if from Dave Lowe  Designs,  The castor oil is a real bottle from my girlfriends late grandfather (60+ years old).

Coffin nails are just old rusty nails, the Kitten Souls is a joke prop I made for an old boss. The human flesh is thick  cloth soaked in apple cider vinegar and coffee. 

This is my collection of commercially purchased bottles for filler. 

Just fake spider and spider web that accidentally ended up like this.

Test tubes from Martha Stewart, holder was made by me out of scrap wood. 

Flower beads that swell in water.

Frog's Breath (Glow in dark web), Volts from Eels( tonic water, blue color comes from bottle), Just a random bottle of eyes in tonic water.

   Still collecting a few last specimens so I have just a tad more work to do. Time is closing in for the wicKED weeKEnD Halloween party (29th) so I am rushing with last minute details. 

   Since it is a rainy dreary day here in Virginia, I figured I would leave this post with some fun stuff Halloween stuff.

   First, an awesome Facebook app. Just follow the link and allow permission (it is safe). 

   Who would not want a psychopath tracking them down on Halloween? Go ahead... take the lollipop!

   Next from AMC, we have some Fear Fest Fun. Answer the questionnaire to find out what Movie Monster you are.

   Turns out I am a werewolf. That explains a lot. Wonder what you will 

I have seen this video posted at several other blogs. I just have to post it myself. 

There is something creepy and hilarious about the pumpkin man. It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown..... Run for you life!

Finally, here is a magnet I picked up over the weeKEnD.  Seeing how we will be having zombie themed costumes, I think it will fit perfectly. 

Hope you have a wicKED day.


  1. Well it warms my not-so-wicked lil' heart to see so many others with their own Apothecaries! And I think you've done a spooktacular job. I like the test tubes a lot, especially the Vampire Fangs! Can't believe we are so close to Halloween already...where does the time go. I'm dreading the inevitable post Halloween blues that I'll be getting sometime in the night before Samhain is even over. Your party sounds like fun! :o)

  2. Thanks Wendy. The fangs are my favorite as well. I don't know what I am going to do with myself after Halloween. I will probably troll around for weeks looking for party/haunt photos.

    I hope the party is fun, we have been planning it for weeks and weeks. Too bad you are so far away. I will post pics, but we need to have a Blog Party one year.

  3. Bottle-a-rama! Between you, art bliss, and Justine's Halloween, I've got serious apothecary jar/bottle envy!

    What a brilliant job you've done. EVERYTHING looks fabulous!!!

  4. Thanks LGH, but I must confess, I have been "borrowing" ideas from the other blogs you have named.
    I appreciate the kind words. That means a lot.

  5. LOL! I just posted my WIP apothecary tonight, too! It can't hold a candle against yours or Wendy's but I'm getting there!

    I need a bigger house. Seriously.

    I have the $.50 Walmart sprinkle test tubes, too!

  6. I saw that Lisa. I liked them very much. There were several of us posted the same things today... Great minds?
    I really need a bigger house. My friends tell me I have enough decorations for a mansion so I guess I will have to go out and find one.
    Gotta love Walmart sales ;)

  7. If you can find it, black raspberry Kool-Aid mix makes great looking fake blood (or health potions!). Mix high ratio powder:water.
    Lemonade drink mix is good for making dingy/discolored water, mix it in low ratio powder:water.

  8. Thanks for the tips Dex. I will have to pick up some Black Raspberry.

  9. Ked...your guests are going to be in for such a fabulous time with all your decor! You HAVE to take a lot of pics so we can live vicariously through your party! I am loving all those bottles!


  10. I love the Earthworms! Great idea. I have the store bought filler potion bottles myself. I just peeled their labels off (they were already looking yuck) and used my own. But my set-up doesn't look as amazing as yours.. sigh. Must try harder :)

    Thanks for the photos.. always enjoy them

  11. LuLu - Thank you and no worries, I will take tons of pictures.

    BeWitchy - I am glad you liked them. Thanks for the compliments.

  12. I like your glowing bottles at the bar! Is that a black light trick? My favorites were the worms and the trapped spider. It's fun to see other people's bottle collections!

  13. It is indeed a black light trick. It is tucked away behind them.
    Glad you liked my bottles. The spider was by accident, but I liked how it ended up.

  14. Nice work. Very detailed and I dig the ingredients list you provide for each one.


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