wicKED Pages

Friday, October 21, 2011

99 Problems but a Witch aint one!

   It's Freaky Friday! The start of the weeKEnD!  Since this will be my 100th post, I figured I would celebrate with something fun today. I called up some bitches witches to do a photo shoot to commemorate the occasion. They refused to take their clothes off, which I am very grateful for.

   Just one week away from the wicKED weeKEnD Halloween Party! We have lots of stuff on our to-do list over the next few days. There are recipes to finalize, shopping lists to make, treat bags to stuff, costumes to finish, props to prep, and no end of Halloween mischief to get into. 

   To top it all off, our clothes washer broke. Miranda swears it was a poltergeist... I believe it to be the large bathroom rug that she was washing. Seeing how it is Halloween time, I will buy her supernatural story. Worst possible time for something like this to happen as it is near impossible to get blood stains and grave yard dirt out of clothes with hand washing. Nevertheless, we will remedy this conundrum come Monday morning..... we got too much Halloween stuff to do till then.

   Time is running out to visit any local haunts you may be fortunate enough to live near. Go out and show your support and get scared at the same time! If you are in my neck of the woods, don't forget to hit one of the four haunts we have:

Backwoods Haunted House

A Haunting on Wood Avenue

MECC Haunted Forest

If you have younger kids that need some Halloween fun, head down to Bullit Park in Big Stone Gap to catch The Haunted Park

The Haunted Park

For more info and reviews on these and other great Haunted Attractions, head over to my Haunted Attraction's Page HERE.

   If looking for real ghosts or visiting supernatural spots is more your cup of tea for Halloween Entertainment, you can find some local spots on my Truly wicKED places page HERE.

    Oh yeah! I won a prize from the AEIOY and Sometimes Why  blog contest!  I finally got the box in the mail yesterday.

My goddaughter will love these!

 I also received a treat bag and a Frankencat in with my prize. I haven't scored a treat bag in years! Thanks!

Miranda was most excited about the glow in the dark loot in the treat bag. She is a glow freak.

Lilly was more excited about the box.

It's a fact, witches are notoriously greedy over Halloween prizes.

Prop jealousy is a terrible thing. Does anybody else have problems with prop rivalry?

   While we are on the subject of contests, There are two Halloween photo contest out there that some of my readers really should consider entering (especially after seeing some of the other blog posts this week). 

   First is the Fuji Film and Rite Aide photo contest. They have prizes for the best photos of pumpkins, costumes, makeup, decor, and even pets. All Halloween related of course. For more details or to enter the contest, follow the link HERE. You can also access info at the Rite Aid Contest Facebook page HERE.

   Secondly, PetSmart is having a Monster Cute Halloween Pet Photo Contest! Enter your best pictures of pet dressed up for Halloween for a chance to win great Prizes. For more details or to enter, click HERE.

    Of course we will be entering our little demon in all of them. Wish us luck.

 Hope everybody's weeKEnD is wicKED!

Remember Lilly's motto, "Pbbbbttthhhhh!"


  1. I can't wait to see some party photos! What an inconvenient time for your washer to break. Hopefully everything else stays intact for the party. I love Lilly the cat! I think you were the perfect person to get that Frankencat in your prize pack. :)

  2. Congratulations on your 100th post! That's a fabulous milestone!!

    I've just come from Justine's blog and you both made off with some great loot from that giveaway. Cats alway love the boxes, don't they? Haha!

  3. Wow, you guys sound BUSY! That's when the Halloween Countdown gets real hard, and the readers and posts dwindle down. I wish I had all my posts done already, so I could just hit the publish button, but no such luck. Oh well.

    Love the photo of your kitty in the box. But I'm rather in awe of the fact that you got a shirt on her. Coventina would have cursed your arse before you got one on her...ha! Hope you guys have a FANGtastic party!

  4. Justine - I think the washer problem is almost fixed. Lilly is a hoot for sure. I agree about the frankencat.

    Little Gothic Horrors - Thanks! We did make out like bandits. Lilly is in love with any bag or box, no matter the how small.

    Wendy - I know what you mean, it is getting tough and I will have to make a few posts to publish during the party and the witching hour itself. The strange thing about Lilly is she loves wearing clothes. When she gets cold, she gets in her toy box and drags shirts over to us. This morning it was very cold. I was shaving and noticed a purple shirt being stuffed under the bathroom door by a cat paw. She was begging for her shirt.

  5. Plus the Jay Z reference, guys1 Don't forget the Jay Z!

    Or are you rocking the Hugo? I have both on my imachines. : )

  6. Aw...that is SO stinking cute! A kitty that likes to wear clothes! Where can I get one like that? At least she picked out a great color for Halloween....purple is my favorite...ha! Ya'll have fun getting prepped for the festivities! :o)

  7. Pensive - Jay Z ;)

    Wendy - We are smack dab in the middle of Halloweening out. Lilly is in the middle of it all wearing angel wings.

    Mantan - I like em too.... more than I should.

  8. Happy 100!!!

    Cheers to many more~


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