wicKED Pages

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

One should take care, when welcoming wicKED things into your home....

   So many things all going on at once. The house is in a constant state of flux as we arrange, swap, unpack, and create a sinister settings for this Halloween.
   Things are going bump in the night, and not all of them are friendly. Most can be pointed back at our feline companions, but not all. As the decor gets darker, so does the mood and feel of the house. Truly, this promises to be the most wicKED Halloween of them all.

  I have been working on 6 short stories for the blog, 4 tales based in reality, and 2 from the whisperings of my inner demons. I will be posting them once we start the Halloween Countdown as a Cryptkeeper for 2011.
   This is a truly the best season of them all. I hope everybody gets to enjoy it as fully as I am this year. To help get the celebration started, the blog AEIOU and Sometimes Why, is having a "Countdown to Trick or Tweet" giveaway. Make sure you drop by and follow the blog for your chance at some ghoulish goodies.
   Speaking of welcoming wicKED things, yours truly has been invited to partake in some walkthroughs of a couple of the local Haunted Houses over the next week. I will be doing some trial runs with a couple and a full out fright rehersal on another.  Follow the blog to stay updated on what lies at the darkest depths of your favorite Halloween haunts.
   I am truly honored to have the invitations extended to me and look forward to writing the articles about my experiences even before they open.

    Keep in mind though.... it is not always wise to invite the wicKED .... they may just stay!


  1. Have a sppoky good time on your walkthroughs. Sounds like a lot of fun.

  2. Congrats on getting invited to the haunted attractions! That's pretty cool. Also, thanks for the contest info. It looks like lots of great prizes are being offered!

  3. Thank you ladies. You will see a post about my adventures soon no doubt.

  4. Looking forward to your demonic tales! I understand about your household creep factor going up, ours is also. The trick is to remember when to zig and when to zag around all the new installations especially when heading for the bathroom in the dark! Heading over to AEIOU And Sometimes Why right now. Thanks for the link.

  5. The walkthroughs sound fun! I can't wait to read more about them.


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