wicKED Pages

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

At long last! My very own Jack-o-lantern from the Shellhawk's Nest!

I am extremely lucky to be the proud owner of my very own Shellhawk hand turned Jack-o!

She had named him Snake Eyes which is very fitting I think.

 Make sure you check out her blog, Shellhawk's Nest and her Etsy Shop, Shellhawk's Creations, where you too can own one of these wonderful masterpieces. 

 He will sit beside my prized Pumpkinrot and Bean crafted Jack-o's I got for my birthday. I will take MUCH better pictures of them then.

 So that makes 2 items collected from my Halloween Heroes. If I can just collect something from Mr Chicken, Dave Lowe, Spooky Blue, and The Davis Graveyard.....oh the list of my Halloween Heroes gets longer ever year.... one can dream!

Don't forget to like/follow Wicked Woods Cemetery on:


  1. I dont think I would ever take it down.... even at Easterween or Christmasween

    1. They will, most likely, sit and stare at me in my home office.

  2. I have several of those and they are my prizes possessions....Shell is the best!!!

    Glad it found a good home!


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Congratulations!
    I am green with envy....
    or maybe greener than usual.


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