wicKED Pages

Sunday, August 5, 2012

We interrupt this blog to bring you the following message.

Just as the haunting season starts getting up to steam, life happens. For the rest of the month of August I will be partaking in some pretty intense training for a new job I recently accepted. That means my blog posts may be few and far between for the next 4 weeks. I will try to drop a quick post as often as possible, but they may not be the large scale posts you are used to. I hope things can return to semi normal by September when I start the careful balancing act of work, life, and haunt!

There will be more work than ever at The Wicked Woods to prep for haunting season as I hope to review local haunted attractions, make new and horrid props for my haunt, and get ready for the wicKED weeKEnD Halloween party.

When I do return to full steam, I will be having my first giveaway of the season and there will be quite a few Halloween prizes involved!

Till next time..HAUNT ON and may your season be truly wicKED!


  1. Congrats on your new job! Sucks that it interrupts the 'haunting season' a bit, but no doubt you will still find the time to do all the 'wicked' things you do so well. Have a good weekend! :o)

    1. Thanks so much Wendy! I hope you are right!

  2. Congrats on your new job Ked! We'll miss hearing from you on a frequent basis but priorities have to be set. Can't wait for your posts as we get closer to Halloween. Good luck with your training, it's going to be tough to squeeze new information into a brain so full of Halloween ideas:)

    1. It will be hard to retain much with Halloween around the corner. I am glad that this job pays around the same as my old on, but with much better hours and when I go home, the job does not follow me 24\7 365! It's a win win!

  3. Best wishes and congratulations on new job, I understand how it goes... I put about 60 hours a week in cause the company I work for is doing more with less people, so I truly know how you feel

    1. I came from a job that expected 65 to 75 hours in house and then around the clock attention and availabilty. Thanks for the grats!

    2. I came from a job that expected 65 to 75 hours in house and then around the clock attention and availabilty. Thanks for the grats!

  4. Congrats on the new job and good luck with all the training. Looking forward to the treats you'll have in store for us during the spooky season!

    1. I am already planning my 31 posts for oct! Time will be tight, but it will be worth it in the long run!

  5. Congratulations, and good luck to you *salute*


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