wicKED Pages

Friday, August 31, 2012

Final Freaky Friday of Faugust...err August!

September is right around the corner and, after Labor day, marks the official decorating season here at The Wicked Woods. Major prop building, party planning, scene setting, and general running around like a zombie with it's head cut off shall ensue! Expect more focused Halloween content, great interviews with local Halloween Hooligans, and Haunt reviews in the posts to come. I am also planning a wicKED Ways Giveaway. I will save most of the details for the big reveal but expect a grand prize, second, and third place PACKS! I have been collecting items for over a year now for this giveaway so hopefully it will be worth the wait. Without further delay....onto the Freaky!

There's yer problem. Ya got a demon in your intake.


My good friend Clint Blanton found this little gem.

Mmmm brains!

Shhhhh I'm marinating in mud.

It lives! Eggcellent!

Man! Those eggs from breakfast are still haunting me.

Hardcore fall fan.



I've had worse interviews....true story!

I am speechless.

The force is strong in this one's hips.

Thank you captain obvious!

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